Colección de línea #

Trazado de líneas con Matplotlib.

LineCollectionpermite trazar varias líneas en una figura. A continuación te mostramos algunas de sus propiedades.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
from matplotlib import colors as mcolors

import numpy as np

# In order to efficiently plot many lines in a single set of axes,
# Matplotlib has the ability to add the lines all at once. Here is a
# simple example showing how it is done.

x = np.arange(100)
# Here are many sets of y to plot vs. x
ys = x[:50, np.newaxis] + x[np.newaxis, :]

segs = np.zeros((50, 100, 2))
segs[:, :, 1] = ys
segs[:, :, 0] = x

# Mask some values to test masked array support:
segs = > 50) & (segs < 60), segs)

# We need to set the plot limits.
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_xlim(x.min(), x.max())
ax.set_ylim(ys.min(), ys.max())

# *colors* is sequence of rgba tuples.
# *linestyle* is a string or dash tuple. Legal string values are
# solid|dashed|dashdot|dotted.  The dash tuple is (offset, onoffseq) where
# onoffseq is an even length tuple of on and off ink in points.  If linestyle
# is omitted, 'solid' is used.
# See `matplotlib.collections.LineCollection` for more information.
colors = [mcolors.to_rgba(c)
          for c in plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color']]

line_segments = LineCollection(segs, linewidths=(0.5, 1, 1.5, 2),
                               colors=colors, linestyle='solid')
ax.set_title('Line collection with masked arrays')
Colección de líneas con matrices enmascaradas

Para trazar de manera eficiente muchas líneas en un solo conjunto de ejes, Matplotlib tiene la capacidad de agregar todas las líneas a la vez. Aquí hay un ejemplo simple que muestra cómo se hace.

N = 50
x = np.arange(N)
# Here are many sets of y to plot vs. x
ys = [x + i for i in x]

# We need to set the plot limits, they will not autoscale
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_xlim(np.min(x), np.max(x))
ax.set_ylim(np.min(ys), np.max(ys))

# colors is sequence of rgba tuples
# linestyle is a string or dash tuple. Legal string values are
#          solid|dashed|dashdot|dotted.  The dash tuple is (offset, onoffseq)
#          where onoffseq is an even length tuple of on and off ink in points.
#          If linestyle is omitted, 'solid' is used
# See `matplotlib.collections.LineCollection` for more information

# Make a sequence of (x, y) pairs.
line_segments = LineCollection([np.column_stack([x, y]) for y in ys],
                               linewidths=(0.5, 1, 1.5, 2),
axcb = fig.colorbar(line_segments)
axcb.set_label('Line Number')
ax.set_title('Line Collection with mapped colors')
plt.sci(line_segments)  # This allows interactive changing of the colormap.
Colección Line con colores mapeados

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